
Beauty Is A Multi-Facet Concept That Vary From Culture To Culture


Throughout history, beauty has been a major subject of debate. Today, it is a common occurrence that many people will go to great lengths to achieve the latest beauty fad or to make themselves look a certain way. However, these attempts to break the norm are often met with a degree of pushback from outside of the beauty industry.

Beauty is a multi-faceted concept that has a variety of qualities. Whether it is in terms of body size, hair style, or color, standards of beauty vary from culture to culture. In addition to the aesthetic and esthetic, factors such as cultural, social, psychological, and biological aspects of the human being also influence the perception of a person’s beauty.

The most basic of beauty measures is the symmetry of the face. A face that displays perfect symmetry is considered the most beautiful. Other beauty indicators include hair, eyes, and skin. For example, a woman with a full set of luscious tresses is more attractive than one with short, straggly hair.

According to a study done by Dove, only four percent of women around the world say that they consider themselves beautiful. Despite this, women have endured years of pressure to conform to the newest beauty trends. Some women are so caught up in trying to look their best that they undergo costly procedures such as cosmetic surgery. Getting the “perfect” beauty makeover can also damage the woman’s health.

On the other hand, a well-groomed appearance, a smile, and good posture will help to improve a person’s image in the workplace. If you are not feeling very pretty, you can overcome this by looking at yourself in a new way. Rather than looking at yourself in the mirror, imagine yourself in a fourth mirror. This should be wiped clean of all the negatives that you think you have done wrong.

If you have been following the Black beauty space for any length of time, you will know that the newest beauty trends are mostly about retouching and altering one’s appearance. This is a risky endeavor, and has been met with much pushback from those who see a woman’s beauty as a form of exploitation.

There are also significant changes coming to the beauty industry. These changes include more investment in Black brands and better research about Black consumers. Although the process may be cumbersome and difficult, these changes could ultimately lead to a more equitable ecosystem for Black consumers. It would also benefit non-Black consumers, as they are less likely to have to deal with a variety of friction points.

One of the most effective ways of addressing these pain points is by opening up the doors of the beauty industry to more Black entrepreneurs. This may include creating more diverse spokesmodels and ad campaigns, and by providing Black-owned products that are more readily available to consumers. Also, more Black entrepreneurs should be encouraged to invent products geared towards Black consumers. Having more Black-owned companies in the beauty industry will increase the number of quality products available to Black consumers, thus equalizing the US population.