
Aesthetics and Beauty


Beauty is a term used to describe a combination of qualities such as shape, color or form that pleases the aesthetic senses. It is often contrasted with ugliness, which is a negative aesthetic quality that conveys displeasure.

Aesthetics is one of the major branches of philosophy, concentrating on the perception and appreciation of the aesthetic qualities of things in the world around us. It also focuses on the relationship between art and beauty, as well as on the role of taste in determining whether or not something is beautiful.

Definitions of beauty vary according to the culture and time period in which it is referred to, with modern-day fashion and design trends bringing forth new ideas about what constitutes beauty. However, some of the most commonly held notions about beauty have stayed relatively stable throughout history, and are still widely accepted in most cultures.

The classical conception of beauty is based on the concept of harmony between the different parts of a beautiful object. This idea was formulated in the ancient world, and it has remained in use until the present day. The classical conception of beauty asserts that every object is beautiful because it presents a certain order in its arrangement of parts, and that harmony is the most important thing in beauty.

Until the eighteenth century, most philosophical accounts of beauty treated it as an objective quality, locating it either in the beautiful object itself or in its qualities. For example, Plato’s account of beauty in the Symposium and Plotinus’s account of it in the Enneads connect it to a response of love or desire.

Another conception of beauty, reflected in the works of Thomas Aquinas (c.1225-1274), distinguishes between beauty and good. He argues that both have their place in the cosmos and that they are indistinguishable in reality. He identifies three qualities that are essential to beauty: perfectio (integritas sive perfectio), harmony (debita proportion sive consonantia), and clarity (claritas).

Aside from the objective nature of beauty, it has a subjective aspect as well. A beholder’s experience of beauty is influenced by their emotions and thoughts, and can be a powerful motivating force. In addition, there are many ways to express beauty through creativity and self-expression.

Some people are more drawn to a particular kind of beauty, such as symmetry or asymmetrical features. Others prefer a more organic and natural form of beauty, such as a sunset or flower.

The most commonly accepted understanding of beauty is that it is a characteristic present in objects, such as nature, art work and a human person, that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, joy or satisfaction to the observer through sensory manifestations like shape, color, or personality. Generally, the beauty of these objects conveys some level of harmony amongst the various components, which can be seen in both the structure of the physical world and the art work that represents it.

Regardless of how we define beauty, it is vital that designers understand its meaning and importance. It is an inherent element of our humanity that we cannot afford to take for granted, and this is why it should always be at the forefront of the design process. Whether a commission is simple or ornamental, boundary-pushing or highly graphic, it will always need to be attractive and pleasing to the eye and mind.